Monday 12 May 2008

Happy Mothers Day to our Darling Mums !

Our Cadets team
Some of our girls' work
Juniors Showing off their cakes!
Girls in Acitons !

Our Company girls had a fun time spreading the mini cakes with cream and decorating them in a special way for their mums. This year, for Mothers Day, the girls got to decor a cake for their mums. Although most materials were pre-prepared for them, they still have to fold the silver box, decor with their words to mum and then put in the specially decorated cake boxes.

The girls really took pride to decor the cakes to present to their mums. The only thing we missed is to see how their mums will look when receiving the cakes at home !

Cakes so sweet,
Decor so cute,
But none can compare
How a mum will feel
in her heart for her child.
Happy Mothers Day to All !
Your Children shall rise up to call you Blessed !

1 comment:

Joyz said...

LOL..hw come miss doria can type so many thg in blog = = PRO!!