Tuesday 17 June 2008

Happy Fathers Day !

On 15 June 2008, the GB girls had a special time to think and work on something for their fathers, grandpas and uncles. As the whole world celebrates Fathers Day, we gave the girls a time to think of their relationship with their parents and to work on a project for their favourite parents.
Mr Chong came in to have a special sharing with the girls on Psalm 8. Mr Chong is none other than our Lt Yong Su Yee's husband and he shared some very deep thoughts about children and their relationships with their parents. He encouraged the girls to remember 3 As.
  • Accept
  • Acknowledge
  • Appreciate

He encouraged the girls to think of the good things that the parents have done for them. They could repay this goodness by saying it or writing it down like a poem.

The Cadets and Juniors did a hand print project for their dad, they tried different colours for the different effects. The hand print poem is specially dedicated to parents to remind them that the children are still small but one day they will grow to be very tall.

The Seniors and Pioneers learnt to make Sushi and packed them for their dads. Some Sushi came out in triangular shapes. The girls had a fun time learning to spread ingredients and roll them up before cutting them. We were able to share this goodies with our company's father figures :-
  • Rev Lee Tak Vui, our company Chaplain
  • Mr Joseph TL Wong, our company Assistant Chaplain
  • Mr Donald Soh, 2nd KK BB Company Captain

All in all, the company girls had a meaningful time remembering what parents especially dads mean to us.

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