Wednesday 2 July 2008

Why GB Awards ?

An Award is an outward symbol showing that a goal has been reached.

The Girls’ Brigade Award work is divided into spiritual, physical, educational and social aspects resulting in a balanced program of activities. These help girls develop in body, mind and spirit increasing their awareness of others' needs.

Awards are given when a goal has been achieved. It is a form of encouragement to excel and go further in the training.

In this busy high-tech world, parents cannot expect the school text-books to teach everything about life. Life is surely much bigger than the school education system ! Much of life situations are not what is mentioned in the textbooks. The Girls' Brigade Award work prepares girls for womanhood in the future. Beside lady-like tasks like sewing, party-planning, we also teach on expedition, survival skills, map reading etc. It is equipping them for the 21st century living.

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